Archive for the 'stress' Category


30 Aug

It’s been that kind of week. Sometimes, you just need a nonsensical post-apocalyptic Avril Levigne video to make things a little better: There’s a hell of a lot of crazy in this video – and for that (and the whole Winnie Cooper bit, and the G’n’R nod, and the baby, and…well…), I salute it.

what i did on my (unpaid) summer vacation – week six – the final week

12 Aug

As you may have heard, though maybe not, as the news seems to have forgotten this story, the furloughs got cut from eleven to six days. As such, today is my last furlough day. Starting next week, I’m back to working and getting paid for the customary forty hours per week. As much as I’ll […]

how i spent my (unpaid) summer vacation – weeks two and three

23 Jul

Yes, I’ve been somewhat quiet lately – heck, I’ve posted little but the occasional song list and some silly pictures for most of the last year. You all know my schedule, so you know what life’s been like for me lately – something has to take the hit, and it seems it’s been the blogging. […]

new car

15 Jul

Picked it up Friday. Very nice. 2013 Toyota Yaris SE. Looks like this: (That one isn’t mine, but looks exactly like this.) Anyway, I like it so far, after only about 250 miles (we took a ride out to Williamsburg on Saturday for a shake-down). Glad this whole insurance claim business is over. It wasn’t […]

how i spent my summer (unpaid) vacation – the latest in the crumple-zone saga

08 Jul

Among other things, I got the second appraisal/estimate today. The other guy’s insurance seems to think it can be fixed. Of course, other guy’s insurance company spent maybe fifteen minutes looking at the car. The good news is that he cut me a check on the spot, which, according to my insurance company, means that […]


06 Jul

My Independence Day vacation time hasn’t been all that cool…or at least the early parts of it. After finishing work for the week on Wednesday afternoon, Colleen and I decided to take a little drive off by ourselves for a while. We needed to get out of the house, maybe check out what food trucks […]

friday Pandora ten twenty-two – “too many extremes” edition

28 Jun

Being Friday, I have included some tunes from the soundtrack to my day, which got a little longer than usual – when I’m in a system testing mode, I tend to block everything else out, and just let things play. I meant to stop at ten, but since I was in that sort of OCD […]

friday pandora ten – “call of the wild” edition

21 Jun

So…yeah. It’s been a long week (despite being shorter than usual thanks to some time off from work), and it ain’t over yet. Next week looks just as loaded. Hrm. My commute this week has been relatively easy, thankfully – I’ve been working throught he audiobook of John Krakauer’s Into the Wild, which pieces together […]

capturing a mood

29 May

Just wanted to say thanks to Dan at 21st Century Sandshark Studios for doing an admirable job capturing the mood in many an office this morning: It’s the “Have A Nice Day!” at the bottom that really does it.

friday random (pandora) ten: “beaten and broken” edition

17 May

Yeah, I’m broken and beaten. Not by anything sinister, but rather the simple act of getting from one piece of life to another, and finding things in my way, be they a 100 mile drive, or a pack of cackling teenagers filming a movie (which wasn’t as bad as I’d expected), or a pile of […]

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