Archive for the 'stress' Category

maintaining radio silence, more or less

07 Jan

I imagine all you readers out there clamoring for my lastest thoughts and feelings on the world at large, all three or four of you, are probably pretty disappointed at my output lately. You know what, I’m not thrilled about it either. However, I’m not sure when or if things are going to change, at […]

friday random ten – “splitting headache” edition

14 Dec

As alluded to in the last post with the kitten, the stress levels I’m dealing with are through the roof at the moment. For all kinds of reasons. This time, all that stress is going straight to my head, providing sustenance and power to those gnomes in my frontal lobe with the pneumatic hammers…you know […]

look at this kitten

13 Dec

The title is a reminder for myself. I need to look at a kitten. It’s been one of those weeks.

after a week of being shaken up

08 Dec

I purposely don’t talk much about work here except in generalities; there’s something to be said for establishing some boundaries between my lives there and out here in the digital æther. That said, this new job involves some definite life-changing arrangements that seem like proper grist for the blog mill, so, I’m going to talk […]

shamokin – 1997-2012

18 Sep

I was saddened this morning to hear that our family’s feline elder statesman, Shamokin (seen above with his representative curmudgeonly expression) passed quietly last night, asleep on his favorite chair. He came into our family as a small kitten, whose eyes took up roughly 80 percent of his head, shortly after we adopted Calypso, and […]

getting back on the horse

30 Jul

Not feeling particularly profound today, but I thought since I was getting back into the routine everywhere else, I might as well do it here by posting something. The routine was disrupted last week, as I was off for a week. I needed some time, and some things needed done. Didn’t get quite as much […]

old school rollin’ and a few other things

04 Jun

The last few days have been very trying for me, physically and emotionally. Don’t worry, I’ll pull through, but don’t get concerned if it looks like I’m maintaining radio silence – I am, but only because I need some time to hide away in an undisclosed location and recharge. before I go, though, I wanted […]

Balticon 46 – reflections and links

30 May

So, this past weekend was Balticon. I was there. In dramatic contrast to the last 48 hours or so, I mostly had a pretty good time, basking in the communal glow of geekdom (or not…the communal “glow” can occasionally be described as more of a “funk” or “stench”, and is not particularly pleasant to bask […]

that time of year

23 May

At least to me, it seems like I’m not posting as much lately. I suspect that if I go back and count things, I’m probably running at about the same pace; it just doesn’t feel like I’m putting in the time. Granted, there’s been a bit more of life out there to take up my […]

greetings…FROM THE FUTURE!

02 Feb

Just something to think about – remember ten years ago when a computer not connected to broadband internet was a perfectly useful piece of equipment, and not a plastic and silicon doorstop? I’d written a bit more here, but I deleted it after I realized it sounded an awful lot like Abe Simpson yelling at […]

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