Archive for the 'stress' Category

Three and a half square inches at a time

10 Mar

For the last two weeks, the software project I work on has been in one of those hiatuses inspired by the need for the program managers to brief successively higher levels of authority about progress before being granted permission to move on to the next phase where we get to build things instead of talk […]

smart phone, one week in: novelty and paranoia

16 Feb

as I mentioned two posts ago, last weekend Colleen and upgraded our aged mobile phones, coming home with shiny new Samsung Vibrants running the android operating system. I’ve been using mine most of a week now, and have some thoughts: Overall, I like it. As with all fun new toys, it’s very shiny and very […]

because it can’t be said enough

15 Feb

You really do get to decide: Think about that the next time somebody tries to put you in a box you’re not comfortable being in.

One of those disjointed “what i did” posts covering last weekend

06 Dec

<intentionaljoketag>generic blurb about how I have nothing to report</intentionaljoketag> Anyone who’s watching the mileage tick up on the left side of this web page has probably figured out that my five-to-six days a week workout has become habit, and if I don’t get it, I just don’t feel entirely right, mostly because I’m getting to […]

always look on the bright side of life

01 Dec

I expect a lot of people get weary of my regular crowing about how much I like the webcomic xkcd, but I keep on doing it because it speaks to me, and when a piece of art or music or whatever does that, I like to share it. I always check it out m/w/f first […]

do vs. say

09 Nov

I honestly love it when I find a succinct explanation of a problem that’s been bugging the hell out of me for a long time. Today, I found it in this piece from Rick Perlstein in The Daily Beast (by way of a link from Amanda Marcotte at pandagon): When one side breaks the social […]

the healing benefits of patterns and discretionary spending

03 Nov

If I can establish reliable routines and patterns, I tend to find I’m an easier person to deal with, and am generally more upbeat about things. Thankfully, after a seriously trying occurrence of Alexander Chuck and Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day that lasted most of a week, the new job, schedule, and general […]

ennui and the annual urge toward voting

01 Nov

if this post feels a little disjointed, it’s because I feel a little disjointed right now. There’s lots of stressful and often unpleasant stuff rattling around in the deep dark corners of my brain right now, and it’s got me both totally on edge and wallowing in what may not necessarily a deep well of […]

friday random ten: “routine blown” edition

15 Oct

Overall, I’m sure moving to this new job is the good kind of stress. However, good or bad, it’s still stress, and it plays havoc with my system in all sorts of unpleasant ways. I am, as many know, a creature of habit, almost compulsively so; these changes (new position, new place of business, new […]

that thing

11 Oct

Those paying attention have probably noticed that for the last month and change, I haven’t been posting much, and when I have posted, I’ve dropped little hints about things happening that I didn’t necessarily want to talk about it. At this point, I feel it’s safe to talk about those things, at least in general […]

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