Archive for the 'stress' Category

intentionally light

12 Aug

I’ve been doing a lot of heavy writing about VERY IMPORTANT THINGS™ in the social and political arenas lately, so today I’m simply going to make mention of a few of the little things that don’t necessarily have earth-shattering importance. This weekend, for example, I finally stumbled upon the missing element to cooking so-called “authentic” […]

friday random ten: “up and down” edition

21 May

Up. Down. From moment to moment. That’s been my week. It’s exhausting. Sun. Rain. Euphoria. Despair. Pleasure. Pain. Smile. Scowl.

unsettling thing I learned today

28 Jan

Pepto-Bismol turns certain, uh, substances jet black. For a second there, I thought I’d turned into one of the undead or something.

stopped clocks, etc

26 Jan

For the first and probably only time ever, Doctor Phil gives me a reason to think that he’s not a complete tool: He scolded a mom for her intrusive addiction to the tedious and obnoxious facebook game Farmville. Video game addiction is a very real problem when it gets in the way of real life. […]

an open letter…

19 Jan

Dear person who happens to be just ahead of me in the queue for the “True Blood: season 1” Blu-Ray discs from the Richmond area Netflix distribution center, You know, you really ought to treat the discs the nice people at Netflix send you with a little more care and respect. Someone (read: me) has […]

eight frantic, pounding, minor chords

15 Oct

Pres-sure!! …and some cleaning supplies.

friday random ten: winding down” edition

19 Dec

The year’s almost up; and more importantly, I’m done travelling for the year. Of course, I pick up again the first full week of January, but I’m not going to think about that right now, as that way lies madness. Here’s some tunes, as the name suggests, chosen at random by my mp3 player: “Naive” […]

friday random ten – “seasonal affective disorder” edition

12 Dec

Come the end-of-year holidays, I get a bit down; not sure why, but we all have our things. And, I deal with it, usually well enough, especially when there aren’t people constantly telling me “snap out of it” (with our without slaps from 80’s Cher), and that I’m supposed to be excessivly cheery during this […]

friday random ten: “two fools in a row” edition

14 Nov

It’s been quite a week, mostly lows, but a few peaks here and there. Still, I’m rather glad it’s winding down, and I can have a day or two to rest a bit, and take care of some routine things that have fallen by the wayside. In any case, hit it: “Love is Nothing” – […]

friday random ten – “going live” edition

03 Oct

Today, ideally, is the day that the results of the project I’ve been working on for the last ten months or so get deployed. Let’s hope the world doesn’t end; it shouldn’t – if we did our jobs right (and I’m pretty sure we did), the user community shouldn’t notice anything but a couple of […]

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