Archive for the 'stress' Category

then again…

04 Oct

I just got a call from the doctor; turns out it might be worth it to screw my wrist back together after all…  I’m waiting for a call to be returned now, we’ll see how it goes.  In any case, it’ll likely go down next week. UPDATE: Tuesday, 3pm. One screw. cool sound effects.

linux kid

25 Sep

okay, Nana, you were asking for pictures of the baby; here’s the little eight and a half pounder (according to the pediatrician today) in her little pink penguin outfit: Six weeks old and already evangelizing for the open source community. And look, I’m typing with eight fingers – diagnosis change on the arm; might have […]

friday random ten: “doom an evil deed, liven a mood” edition

21 Sep

you know the drill… Actually a pretty standard selection this week, including the one song I can confidently play on the mandolin (guess which one…if you dare), plus a couple of oddballs…. I mean, who has a copy of Michelle Pfeiffer singing lustily about Maxwell “Say No More, Mon Amour” Caulfield while she humps a […]

I guess it wasn’t the time

20 Aug

…though it still feels like sharp kick to the guts. The initial selection (the list from which they pick the people to interview) for those other jobs I put in for came out today, and I didn’t even rank.  Apparently, my cunningly included keywords were less cunningly included than everybody else’s; at least so much […]

T minus….

13 Aug

I’m really no good at this… As Monday lunchtime arrives, we’re down to the last 24 hours. My nerves are completely shot, and the stress is now manifesting itself physically (those of you who know me know exactly what form that manifestation is taking). Colleen’s got the anticpation twitterpation as well; and while I won’t […]

a hypothetical

06 Aug

Is it wrong to wish for the result of one test to be just bad enough to encourage emergency measures to bring an ongoing situation to its ultimate, positive resolution much more rapidly? Because after the last week or so, Colleen and I would honestly be much happier with a bit of bad (but not too […]

…on busy schedules, self-confidence, and scalpels.

23 Jul

ten pounds of something in a five pound bag It may not be as bad as that statement’s colloquial connotation makes it out to be, but the week certainly feels overstuffed enough to qualify for a reasonably literal reading of the comparison. I think the feeling stems from the fact that it’s a non-normal week […]

carpentry post-mortem and associated bitching

17 Jul

When we last left the action in the saga of the bathroom floor, I’d gotten a call that the floor guys hadn’t received our materials from the supplier, so work wouldn’t be able to commence on Friday as planned. We were pencilled in for Tuesday. Frustrating, but, alas, par for this particular course. Saturday morning […]

no joy

12 Jul

The floor place called me this afternoon. Apparently, my materials haven’t arrived at the store yet, so I won’t be coming home from work tomorrow to a pretty new bathroom. damn. They’re going to call me tomorrow to reschedule. I don’t see it happening until next week. damn again. At least they had the decency […]

Antici…..(wait for it)….pation. And a little bit of resolution, too.

12 Jul

Assuming no more problems, tomorrow, the bathroom floor will be done (it better be, I’ve paid the up-front deposit already!). Tonight’s going to involve some heavy lifting, getting the washer and dryer out of the way (got a hand truck for that, shouldn’t be a problem), and getting all the stuff that’s fallen into the […]

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