Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

no more dampness…also, a charitable tax deduction

30 Mar

I hung a clothesline yesterday in desperation to dry the clothes that were spinning and not drying. I was going to wait until next weekend to take care of the dryer business (as far as I can tell, it’s the heating element that’s shot – I smelled something funny briefly on Friday afternoon), and dry […]

I said, “No Thank You, Sir!”

29 Mar

I wandered into Wal-Mart today (yeah, I know, bad idea) to pick up a couple of quick grocery type items, and saw the following sight in the soft drink/beer and wine isle: Sorry for the blurry phone picture; I suppose I was quaking in revulsion. In case you can’t read the label, that’s a can […]

in which my laptop auditions for a Guy Ritchie film

24 Mar

edit: Added the “more/jump” thing when Doug indicated to me that the embedded media was screwing with his mac’s rendering of my page. My apologies…. —– This weekend, I found a fun little text-to-speech program called espeak. Very simple, type something on a terminal command line, and your computer says it. Amused the kids greatly. […]

a collection of random musings

18 Mar

♦ I hate kicking off the work week with an “agency only” status meeting that always quickly devolves into a “let’s bitch about the contractors” meeting, with the direction and blessing of the people who called the meeting. The negativity really kills the mood for a good productive week for me. Part of me wants […]

haven’t done one of these in a while

13 Mar

Search Engine Roulette! At the risk of making further search engine results even weirder, here’s a list of interesting search engine queries that led visitors to this humble web site: “speedreader brake” ” dan nokes 21st century sandshark studios” “comic dealers” “” “john hodgman realtor” “carrie vaughn photo galleries” “paul and storm” “auto formation dot […]

there’s nothing wrong with the classics

12 Mar

I saw this morning that USA Today did a story about the 100th anniversary of my favorite footwear, which proudly grace the banner of this very web site. I apparently have a body that appreciates clothing designs that haven’t changed in a century; no pair of jeans fits me as well as the original Levis […]

temporal flux

04 Mar

I slept funny last night; not sure why. As a result, I sort of floated semi-conscious through my morning routine, taking care of the basics (shower, shave, dress, feed fish, etc), but forgetting some other, semi-important things. I left both my watch and my mobile phone at home. As a result, I HAVE NO CONCEPT […]

ego surfing

28 Feb

When activity is slow, the mind, and sometimes the browser, wanders… Since I redesigned the domain front page (that nobody uses but my sister), I’ve finally cracked the first page of a google search for chuck parker! Yay, Number seven! Sure, I’ve been number one on Yahoo! for years now, but Google is something special… […]

new toys

18 Feb

It’s time for a few program notes… I’ve been playing with a few new toys here this past week, using my domain as a proving ground for some new stuff for Mike T’s site. As a result, I have a couple of new toys to play with, linked here, and to your right: Guestbook – […]

BASS! how low can you go?

16 Feb

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