Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
on tribalism and the fall of lions
I know I’m a little late to the party in talking about this particular topic, but I hadn’t quite managed to wrap my head around my thoughts on the subject until recently. The topic, of course, is the Sandusky abuse scandal and subsequent fallout at Penn State. I’ve been following the news reports on it, […]
wolf punchingly* funny
because sometimes you need a laugh at 10am on a Tuesday morning: ____________________ *-Yeah, Yeah….that’s not The Grey that’s (probably) Taken (which I’ve only seen in fits and starts on hotel HBO). One Liam Neeson badass movie is as good as another, and infinitely better than a Liam Neeson as wise but doomed mentor film […]
other places
These are things I saw on the internet and elsewhere over the last couple of days: ♦-John Scalzi opens up an interesting window into the mind of the undecided voter; at least those undecided voters who self-select by reading one particular science fiction author’s web site. The comments are interesting reading. ♦-A meditation on the […]
friends and fandom
Just a programming note that you may or may not notice. I re-jiggered the links to your right just a bit, adding a new section for all the musician types I had been including in the “interesting people” section. “Interesting People” was a heading I had been using for people I’ve (usually) met out there […]
today’s wisdom from elsewhere
Cribbed from a gaming with kids discussion on ENWorld, via commenter Kzach: Stereotypes exist for a reason. They create stability. Breaking stereotypes is NEVER a good idea. It leads to individuality, imagination, self-confidence and improved self-worth. We can’t have that! I really home you all smell the sarcasm.