Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
an alarmingly accurate portrait
After America watched (some of us, anyway – I gave up after VCU was eliminated) the 2012 NCAA tournament come to a close on Monday, I only now find a “joke bracket” that I like (to be fair, it appears to have been posted on Sunday). The 2012 iNternet diCkbAg chAmpionship tournament, featuring such conference […]
i’ve seen the future…
…at least the future according to 1962. Here’s an interesting piece branching off from reflections on the 1962 World’s Fair in Seattle; one of those fun essays where we in “the future” reflect on the predictions about jetpacks and flying cars, and lament the fact that we still don’t have them. It’s a fun read, […]
keeping the peace
Slacktivist made mention last week of the interesting dynamic at Jerusalem’s Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre, the supposed location of the crucifiction, entombment, and resurrection of Jesus. The church is managed by an uneasy, tenuous collective of half a dozen competing branches of Christianity, with one other influence continually present to keep the peace between […]
my favorite thought provoker of the day
I greatly enjoyed this bit submitted commenter “Evan Hunt” regarding this post from slacktivist: “I see some similarity between automobiles made by Ford and those made by Chrysler, but this is not indicative of a fundamental ‘Chrystlo-Ford automotive tradition’ at the root of American society.” Like most things in Fred’s corner of the internet, it […]
“documented, but largely unstudied”
I knew someone had to be looking at this, but nobody really knows why approximately one in four people (including me) experiences photic sneeze response; that is, sneezing when the sun gets in one’s eyes. There have been several different theories about why this reaction exists, and several of them have been considered and abandoned […]
The day before the day before the day
Happy December <cough>23rd</cough> everyone*! This is indeed a day that needs a song of it’s own, especially one that’s a dead-on pastiche of They Might Be Giants. Who better to bring us that song that the inimitable Paul and Storm? In any case, enjoy your Fesituvs or whatever. _____________________ *- please ignore the backdating, after […]