chilling and rehearsing

08 Jan

This weekend was relatively uneventful. By Friday night, I started getting a tickle in the back of the throat and pressure behind the eyes. Argh. It hasn’t been cool. I’ve felt like shit, plus now that I’ve lost all this weight, and it hasn’t gotten above 20°F for most of a week, I’m constantly cold. I spent most of my time (apart from a couple of limited errands combined with bare minimum Pokemon Go catching and spinning to keep the streaks rolling) either crashed on the couch watching television (Colleen and I are doing the watch a Marvel movie a week lead-up to Infinity War thing), plus I knocked off the Orville and a couple of other things) or sequestered in the bedroom with the Jazz Bass working through the new tunes (and writing bass parts for the couple I didn’t play on) so I don’t totally suck this weekend as Guest of Honor at Marscon, letting down my bandmates, our fans, and looking like a douche in front of my author-crush Carrie Vaughn.

As I posted to social media on Sunday morning, I did play through the entirety of Fantastic Geeks… (minus a couple of tunes I know we’re either not going to do) with no errors whatsoever. I also noted that this is never likely to happen again. Anyway, I probably put about six or eight hours of solid playing in over the weekend, and it’s paying off. As my fellow wzrd bassist Dave tells me, I can’t let Lemmy down.

For the week, it’s likely to be more of the same, along with work (which, thankfully, looks pretty quiet, assuming people will actually respond to some emails). The temperature’s even supposed to get above freezing by Monday afternoon. I also plan on getting some rest so I’m not patient zero for the con and get everyone ill. That would truly suck.

Also, my ancient kindle died last night. I am sad.

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