congrats, fred!

26 Apr

Today I heard the news from a fellow ‘Ville Newman Association alum that my friend and former campus minister, Ed Malesic, has been appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania by Pope Francis.

I’m really glad to see Fr. Ed in a position to serve a large community. He was my campus minister during several years of my education at Millersville University, as well as my friend, and (while he may not have realized it), a mentor. I really do admire, and yes, love this guy. To me, he represents everything that’s right with faith and religion in this world, adding tremendous depth and resonance to my spiritual journey during probably one of the hardest times in my life, for which I’ll always be grateful.

The Newman house at the ‘Ville really was home for me, providing comfort, friendship, support, and regular Wednesday dinner, and Fr. Ed was at the center of that. I’m pretty sure I thanked him in person at some point, either at MU, or the couple of times we visited him during his time at Holy Infant in York Haven, but if I never did, I’ll do so now – thanks, Fred.

Today, 20 years after the fact, I’m no longer comfortable calling myself Catholic, finding Unitarian Universalism to be my spiritual home, though Fr. Ed has, and always will be, one of my models for spiritual life. I don’t know if he realizes how important he is to me and my faith-ish development, but more than anyone else, he’s the guy. If Pope Francis (who I think is generally pretty great) recognizes Ed as the model of the kind of leader he wants for The Church, my confidence in the institution that I grew up in, and have had some pretty complicated issues with as an adult, I think the Church is definitely moving in the right direction, even though I no longer find a home there.

So anyway, I think the community in the Diocese of Greensburg are in for a treat; they’re getting a great leader who will provide decent and thoughtful service and guidance. His first remarks to the Diocese are pretty much perfect. I hope everyone there finds him as inspiring as I continue to do, even decades beyond the time he was my spiritual adviser.

Congratulations, and thanks again.

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