deep water…well, deep something, anyway

17 Aug

The weekend was long, both too long, and not quite long enough, and I’m totally cool with embracing that contradiction.

Our attempt to provide some sort of adventure for the newly-minted teenager was enjoyed by the kid, though we didn’t budget our time particularly well. We hit the craft store and the second-hand book store to find some neat gifts, but we got started a little too early to transition smoothly into our dinner plans (once again, food truck time!). So, we killed a little bit of time at a couple of breweries near the brewery where the food truck was going to be, chatting with a few friends, and watching the skies for rain, before eating our gourmet macaroni and cheese (again) under a temporarily sunny sky at dinnertime.

I feel a little weird about the kid’s birthday becoming a pub crawl, but whatever. She had fun.

Rest of the weekend was wet and mostly unpleasant. Stepping out of the car at the grocery store into five inches of rushing water in the parking lot while wearing canvas sneakers wasn’t cool, but eventually I hit that place where I just didn’t care that I was wet anymore and squelched my way through the grocery shopping. Otherwise, it was laundry, a bit of quality time with the television, and then sitting down at the computer in the evening with the guitar to do the Dragoncon Filk Track online music circle, which was sparsely attended, but pleasant nonetheless, and I made sci-fi comedy music legend Tom Smith laugh with one of my tunes, so I’m calling it a win.

Sunday, I watched movies and made cajun food, then couldn’t get to sleep at a reasonable hour, thanks to the deaf cat’s buzzsaw snoring, but I’m alive this morning and working magic with PowerPoint, so I must have gotten enough.

As for the week ahead, nothing particularly noteworthy. Hoping the world dries out so I can get outside some more and put some miles under me, hoping the budget process at work sorts itself out and I can get my program needs funded, and keeping myself sane in this profoundly weird and depressive time in human history.

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