
19 Aug

A theoretical West Wing B-Plot come to life as Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman Rahm Emmanuel* is forced by the President to go read to kids as a Department of Education photo op.

I can see the lead-up, Toby and Sam leaning on doorframes in the West Wing waxing philosophical on the benefits of reading, while Josh and Donna do the patented Sorkin walk-n-talk™ through the West Wing set as Josh comically tries to come up with an excuse to not do it, while Donna shoots down each attempt with a quick, witty retort.

Or maybe it’s just me…besides, Rahm probably used a lot more F-words.

Oh, and Duck for President is a pretty great book.

No Responses to “Donna!”

  1. 1
    chuck Says:

    Oh, and in this theoretical, early-season, Sorkin-penned episode, Josh wouldn’t roll over about health care because the Sarah Palin analog started making stuff up about “death panels”. The Bartlett administration would take the fight right back to them, and get something useful passed.

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