dragoncon goes virtual

01 Sep

So, in most normal years, right about now I’d likely be wrapping up work things to take a couple of days off to head down to Atlanta with almost 100,000 of my closest friends for Dragoncon where I’d get to play rock star with my buddies the Blibbering Humdingers, though given the realities of the day, that’s not happening this year, because, well, y’all know why.

This doesn’t mean Dragoncon isn’t happening, of course. Like most large gatherings this year, it’s going virtual, which isn’t exactly the same, but all my friends will be there anyway, and I don’t have to lug equipment up and down 20 flights of stairs half a dozen times to play gigs. It also means that the programming will be open to pretty much anyone who’s curious, streaming on all the social media platforms, so if you were ever curious about what this crazy thing is all about, now’s your year to get a taste from the comfort of your own home!

While I won’t be playing with the Humdingers this year (since we’re in different states and all), the rest of them will be doing a set for the Dragoncon Filk Track, along with the usual friends like Mikey Mason, Foot Pound Force, The Misbehavin’ Maidens, the Brobdignagian Bards, Tom Smith, and…um, me.

Yes, as I’d indicated ’round these parts before, I recorded a solo set for Dragoncon this year, and my piece will be included in the Fresh Filk Debuts “panel” streaming live at 4pm on Sunday, September 6th. This is exciting unto itself, because I get to do my own thing for this huge event, but I also get to share my “stage” with some other excellent performers, collaborators, and friends like Jonah Knight, Sunnie Larsen, Harlequin’s Shadow and DJ McGuire.

It’s an honor and a privilege to be asked to do my thing at this, one of the biggest fan events in the United States, and get to play some music with my friends even if we can’t quite be together in person to make each other laugh and drink overpriced hotel rum punch.

We’d all love it if you checked it out!

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