everybody’s home now

17 Aug


Now the real fun begins.

….later that day

So, we’ve been home a few hours now, and things are settling in. The cats are tolerant of the new presence, and unsurprisingly, Jersey is very happy, as she has a little person to look out for again, our old dog has perked up again.

Anyway, we’ve started organizing the baby stuff around what amounts to the “baby station” in the bedroom, and basically figuring things out. Colleen’s been hanging out in the bedroom going through baby stuff while Catherine took a little nap, then fired up her computer to catch up on the last week’s worth of babycenter postings…

While she was doing that, I ventured out to fill some ‘scrips, and pick up a couple of things we needed around the house.

When I got back, I found that Catherine’s photos showed up on web nursery, and in my email, I found a passel of shots taken with Jennifer’s camera yesterday.

Below, you’ll find a few of those shots – I guess today’s theme is “People Holding The Baby”:

jennifer and catherinethat's some shine on my forehead, even after color correction

nana and catherine

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