FF – intriguing

“The most important thing about the Fantastic Four is that this is a movie about a family.”
-Josh Trank
So I watched that teaser trailer the other day. It was interesting; it sure looked pretty, even if it didn’t quite look like the Fantastic Four (I refuse to acknowledge FANT4STIC at all except to dismiss it in this parenthetical sentence). If anything, it looked rather generic, in an early 21st century prestige science fiction film sort of way.
I don’t dislike it, necessarily – 90 seconds doesn’t give you a heck of a lot to work with. That one quick shot of the team (including an apparently pantsless Ben Grimm), as you can see above, looks nice and iconic, at any rate. If there’s any comics link here, it’s to the early issues of Ultimate Fantastic Four, which was an interesting take on the property, if not my favorite*.
I guess you could say I’m intrigued, if not completely enthusiastic. I do like the quote from the director highlighted above (taken from this filmmaker commentary on the teaser trailer, which is apparently a thing now), which hints at the fact that they maybe get it, even if this aspect doesn’t show up in this trailer full of dour voiceover and maudlin piano.
show me a little more of the family dynamic, and I might buy into this yet.
*-I’m not a huge FF reader/collector, though I did enjoy Matt Fraction’s recent run with dueling Fantastic Four and FF titles (especially FF, with the alternate Four of Ant-Man, She-Hulk, Medusa, and Darla Deering, mostly for the Allred art).