friday fifth monday random eleven – “nobody died” edition

15 Sep

As the slight tweak to the title of this post suggests, it’s been another one of those weeks; not just for me, but for pretty much everybody I’ve come in contact with. Starting Wednesday, I’ve run into several people (who had no reason to talk to each other about this) refer to the day as “third/fourth Monday”, depending on what day it was; a weird sort of Baader-Meinhoff Phenomenon variant. Or maybe somebody said it last week on some TV show I didn’t watch, and I’m once again totally outside the American mainstream cultural zeitgeist.

Whatever, it’s not important; certainly not as important as waking this morning to find my internal monlogue thought voice replaced with that of a drunken cartoon Scotsman, which is making life way more interesting today.

In any case, I hope that “fifth Monday” turns out to be pretty uneventful. I mean, it’s already been kind of eventful with all the “Och!“s and “Laddie!“s punctuating my inner voice while driving to work and passing on a “well the worst I can do is ask” request for additional program funding (which got out of my inbox without a Scottish vernacular – I checked) to the boss this morning.

Last night was a bit more interesting; I decided that this was my year to take part in the dominant hobby of the rest of my family by joining the ceili class at HOI for the fall semester.

Prior to, I posted the following to social media:

Getting ready to take an irish dance class with my spouse. Hope the urgent care facility up the road is ready to accept casualties. #clumsy

I amused many online friends, and no one died. The most interesting bit was getting directed at one point by four little girls in at least five different directions at once. I didn’t do terribly, I guess – there are pictures out there if you care to look. I’ll try it again (I think my family enjoys me being there). Also, I earned my keep by fixing the sound system again – that’s really why they keep me around.

Beyond that, the rest of the week involved some biking, some reading, a long-overdue rehearsal with the ‘Riffs, and learning some new old stuff for the Humdingers’ gig this weekend.

Yeah – if you happen to be in the vicinity of Raleigh NC tomorrow around 3pm, swing by the Central North Carolina Pagan Pride Days Festival and catch our show. For this one, we’ll probably err more toward the “Bard Rock” ouvre (look here, as well as that link above to the Ravenscroft tune) given the crowd, but, because it’s us, some of the silly (and Fantastic Geeks… stuff, which is also generall pretty silly depending on who’s around) stuff will likely creep in. Anyway, this event is a pretty nice day, with lots of interesting vendors, entertainment, and pleasant company. I really enjoyed it last year, and am looking forward to doing it again.

Also, my kid’s coming home for the weekend; it’ll be the first time I’ve seen her since dumping her off at college a few weeks back. Being in NC on Saturday, I’ll miss some of the visit (though she’ll be busy too…shhhh), but I’ll be around in the evening, Sunday morning, and available to drag her back to the world of academia.

That’s really about it, I guess. Plans for the evening are up for debate – there may be a trip to Steam Bell Beer Works for music and drinks, or not, depending on weather and such. I dunno; we may be busy enough.

Anyway, here’s some tunes. A bit 80s today, wrapping up not unlike Real Genius, only somebody forgot to bring the popcorn:

  1. “The Ocean and the Sea” – Bird Dog
  2. “Safety Dance” – Men Without Hats
  3. “American Girl” – Tom Petty
  4. “Boys Life” – Small Black
  5. “Dr. Feelgood” – Mötley Crüe
  6. “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ – Michael Jackson
  7. “Nanook Rubs It” – Frank Zappa
  8. “De Toekomst Lonkt” – Heidevolk
  9. “Adore” – Amy Shark
  10. “Pavane” – Ian Anderson
  11. “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” – Tears for Fears

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