friday pandora eleven – “my kid’s stuff is mixing with mine” edition

20 Nov

It’s friday, it’s kinda nice outside, I have no meetings, and, for we comics/MCU fans, it’s Jessica Jones Day!, which I will be settling into watch at least part of this evening before the weekend gets too crazy (more on that presently). I’m pretty sure you’re all aware how much I’ve been looking forward to this one.

However, the weekend is going to get pretty hectic pretty quickly, as I’ll be hanging/working/watching/bouncing/etc at the Oireachtas (AKA dance competition) all weekend while the girls dance. It’s gonna eat most of the weekend, but they all enjoy it so, and it’s kinda neat anyway.

The weekend crazy actually kind of started yesterday, as I spent most of the evening after work delivering pies. PIES.

The dance school did a holiday pie fundraiser sale, and few approached could resist the persuasive power of a cute little eight year old girl, so I hung out at the dance school last evening (after taking care of a few other things, like a kid doctor appointment, and picking up my sweet new glasses, which have been determined sufficiently hipster by my teenage daughter) waiting for the pie man and his refrigerated truck to show up…most of an hour late. After sorting pies, I loaded a bunch into the car and spent the evening in the West End delivering pies to friends there via a mostly organized pick-up (and shoving all the un-picked-up pies into the freezer in the church kitchen, carefully labeled – go pick up your pies, people!), and getting home kinda late. Did I mention that I did this all in very heavy fog and rain? No? because I totally did, making me Dad Hero of the Universe™ for at least a few hours.

That’s been it, really, apart from some usual biological functions, answering of emails relating both to work and set lists for some band gigs coming up, the creation of a great many powerpoint presentations (argh) and the occasional contemplation of what the worst Christmas song is on social media.

…and one of these days I have to maybe think about the Thanksgiving feast, point one being whether we’re going to bother with a big production or not.

In the meantime, here’s some music, since I felt like some music (and I haven’t done it in a while anyway). It’s proving to be an insteresting mix, as omewhere along the line, Mary and I started using the same Pandora account (because she likes most of my old dad music because she’s cool like that), but she adds new channels a lot, so I get a few weird surprises here and there:

  1. Past Lives – Borns
  2. The Great Moonwolf Trap – Tom Smith
  3. Strange – R.E.M.
  4. Don’t You (Forget About Me) – Simple Minds
  5. Man It’s So Loud In Here – TMBG
  6. I’ll be You – The Replacements
  7. Teen Age Riot – Sonic Youth
  8. Obvious Bicycle – Vampire Weekend
  9. Mess Is Mine – Vance Joy
  10. Babymetal Death – Babymetal
  11. You Oughta Know (live) – Alanis Morrissette

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