friday random eleven: “back to the mundane” edition
With the big geek labor day celebration behind me, I returned to the mundane world of public sector information technology program management on Thursday, and was pleased to find that that the place didn’t collapse in my absence. Well, my corner of it didn’t, anyway. Looks like one of my EDI trading partners’ feed shit the bed, though my team found the problem and are working with the middleware folks to fix it. Of course, the entire email and intranet system for the East Coast also shit the bed (in a way that has nothing to do with hurricanes even), to the point where I don’t even know if I have meetings (one of my folks showed up yesterday afternoon for a meeting I didn’t know existed to talk about documents I never received, for example, but we made it work) today. I suspect there’s one with someone I don’t particularly like to deal with about something that’s not really my problem anyway, but if my calendar won’t load and emails won’t come in, I can’t exactly confirm it exists, or if it does, I can’t get to the phone number to call in anyway, now can I?
Glad that’s settled.
Weekend should be pretty mellow – I’m not going anywhere except for maybe the market and the park tomorrow (post D*C chill, kids recovering from first week of school and it’s forcing a return to diurnalness, and my wife recovering from some end-of-week migraines), but I think we’re probably going to go Pokemon raiding in Williamsburg on Sunday for a few hours with our friends in that part of the world.
Anyway, here’s some tunes – pulled out of Pandora, though I also re-loaded my car USB library last night, shuffling some stuff in and out, including adding a bunch of cool stuff I’ve picked up recently, including a bunch of cool tunes from Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands whose show I caught this weekend and got *chills*. I bought their thumb drive library, which ended up being accidentally blank, but Crystal made it right pretty quickly with a nice dropbox link. Turns out I’m also friends in passing with a few of the rotating cast of Silver Hands, so it’s cool. I’ll be listening to that a bunch over the next week or so – I highly recommend checking them out!
- “Southern Cross” – Crosby Stills and Nash
- “Gone for Good (Alternate Version)” – The Shins
- “A Forest” – The Cure
- “Curse of Darkness” – Dragonforce
- “Powerslave” – Iron Maiden
- “Is There Something I Should Know?” – Duran Duran
- “Queen Bitch” – David Bowie
- “Inside” – Jethro Tull
- “Ha Ha Ha” – the Julie Ruin
- “It’s a Mistake” – Men at Work
- “Holding On” – The War on Drugs
As far as today’s Stranger Things business goes (because these go to Eleven, remember?), I saw some pretty good ST-related costumes at Dragon*Con this year, including an adorable young Eleven, though it turns out my photo is blurry as all get-out. Dammit. Trust me. It was awesome. In the meantime, Barb frowns on my misfortune:

…and reminds you to check out the cool Evil Dead homage retro poster the folks over at the show posted this week as part of their whole series of these things.