friday random eleven: “same story, different week” edition

27 Jan

Cue the usual refrain: “It’s been a hell of a week”.

Yeah, I know, I always say that. This time, my extenuating circumstances include the previously alluded to financial stresses (thankfully abated now), the lack of a washing machine for most of the week (now also corrected), and the lingering not-quite-sick layover after having a kid running a fever most of last week (still going strong), and the need to venture up to Our Nation’s Capital’s Suburban Environs for my quarterly PowerPoint fest with my agency’s data exchange customers (successful, though draining).

All that shit, plus other various and sundry crap has been keeping me mostly exhausted, with burning sinuses and occasional coughing fits, and a nervous system that goes into random buzziness with alarming regularity.

Anyway, most of that crap’s out of the way now, thank goodness. I’m taking a bit of a short day today (thanks to a couple of days that were a bit longer earlier this week), and I’m planning on trying to chill a bit this evening.

For example, I’d like to see my wife for more than the few minutes each day before she heads off to the dance studio (though I did get to see preliminary, pre-alteration modelling of the new -for her- Irish dance solo dress we made happen as an early birthday present. Very nice), which would be a nice development.

Nothing particularly draining planned for the weekend; I’m meeting with a group of friends/Dungeons and Dragons newbies who wanted to play and asked me to be DM for them on Saturday afternoon, and if I’m feeling up to it (I’m not entirely sure I am at this point), my buddy Steve is organizing a jam session/get-together at his place Saturday night. That’s always a good time; Steve always pulls together a great bunch of friendly and talented folks to while a few hours away with. We’ll see.

And that’s about it, really. Here’s are the tunes this morning backing my paperwork and one more annual refresher training:

  1. “Zomby Woof (live)” – Frank Zappa
  2. “Here I Go Again” – Whitesnake
  3. “I Am Over Here” – Eerie Wanda
  4. “Ziggy Stardust” – David Bowie
  5. “Dangerous (Feat. Joywave) – Big Data
  6. “Audio Movie” – Dweezil Zappa
  7. “Guardians of Fate” – Ensiferum
  8. “New Radio” – Bikini Kill
  9. “Foil” – “Weird Al” Yankovic
  10. “Police Blitz” – The Donnas
  11. “18 and Life” – Skid Row

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