friday random elevenish: “death by powerpoint” edition

Most of my week’s been way too deeply invested in developing a couple of sales pitch decks for the C-suite pushing a new organizational scheme for requirements in the program management center…Well, I say “new”, when I really mean “a”, because currently, there really isn’t any rhyme or reason to things.
My boss and our small team (thankfully it is a team now, rather than just the two of us) are, perhaps quixotically, trying to bring some order and sense to an organization pretty much defined by inertia. We’ll see – this may be the next decade of my career and what’ll see me to retirement…who knows.
They keep paying me, so I keep plugging away. I’m just sick of thinking in slides, bulleted lists, and drop-shadow boxes highlighting important points carefully constructed to *not* resemble anything cribbed from an MBA textbook.
Between that and trying to wrap up the insurance settlement and getting the new kids’ car street legal (thankfully done now, and not too expensively), I haven’t had much room for anything else, apart from daily bike rides dialed in to try and get my endurance back after my suspected brush with a viral variant, and watching the delightful premiere episode of Ms. Marvel on Wednesday evening.
No idea what’s on the agenda for this weekend; there are a host of cool things happening in the city tomorrow, but honestly? I’m not sure I want to deal with crowds.
In any case, it’s Friday morning, so here are some tunes – some pleasant hard rock/hair metal throwbacks, along with something from the VH legacy project at #6, which honestly has a pretty good pop sensibility to it:
- “The Real Me” – W.A.S.P.
- “Jack the Stripper/Fairies Wear Boots” – Black Sabbath
- “I’m On Fire” – Dwight Twilley Band
- “Cleveland Rocks” – Ian Hunter
- “Edison’s Medicine” – Tesla
- “Mr. Ed” – Mammoth WVH
- “Free Four” – Pink Floyd
- “Elenore” – Flo & Eddie
- “Deeper and Deeper” – The Fixx
- “High ‘N’ Dry (Saturday Night” – Def Leppard
- “Midnight Moses” – The Senational Alex Harvey Band
- “Opite²” – TOOL
- “Girl U Want” – Soundgarden