friday random elevenish: “gonna be measuring my retirement against the go live date” edition

19 Apr

This week, all told, hasn’t been too bad, at least from where I sit on Thursday night. The weather’s been absolutely gorgeous, allowing me to knock out a good thirty miles on the bike (my usual stretch of the Virginia Capital Trail) over three days, though Thursday’s ten miles hurt something fierce. I’m not sure I’ve overdone it, but I know that I’m not in peak condition just yet; but I’ll sort myself out in time. I could, I think, use a day off to recover (other than my usual 200 push ups a day in the office to keep from murdering someone through the phone line) and rest; this works because it’s supposed to rain and such Friday.

Today’s post title ties into the fact that the project I’ve been working for two years and change, it seems, is getting bumped to the right again…already. I still don’t have a go-live date, but it’s probably going to blow out my contract year at this point. Oh well. My biggest problem is that the other project I got started (with help from some folks up in DC) is probably going to be finished before this one is, which is potentially going to hose up all sorts of things, because this project was originally supposed to go live back in October…it’s almost a year late, and it’s really damaging my calm, since none of the delays are my fault (hell, I’m done at this point, and have been for a while)…argh, anyway.

That last paragraph came to light this afternoon, which did a lot to kill the high spirits I woke up with after another successful Open Mic hosting gig at Castleburg. The usual crowd brought their usual “A” game, and we had a bunch of new faces show to do their thing, including some poetry, a talented songwriter (with a song about digging up Elvis, which was a ton of fun), and a guy who picked up the bass just a few months ago to come up with something to do for retirement, and came out to share his progress, an he was damned good. I’m ridiculously proud of the community I’ve had a part in fostering; we have a ton of fun, people tell me how much they dig the friendly and encouraging atmosphere, and the management likes me, because the folks who show (on what would normally be a pretty quiet night) buy lots of food and beer. This is always one of the highlights of my month, and they pay me a little bit for my trouble (and cover my bar tab), which is always nice.

I guess that makes me a professional? I dunno.

Anyway, for the Easter weekend, I’m hoping to take it easy. I’ve got a bunch of paperwork to do on Friday at work (though I expect they’ll cut us loose early), although the kids are off of school tomorrow. The big event is that thanks to my WNRN membership, I scored a couple of free tickets to the Elle King show in town on Saturday. I really dug her first record (“Exes and Ohs” was ubiquitious, and pretty great), and her new one, Shake the Spirit is pretty damned good too. I’m looking forward to getting out with the lovely wife for date night.

In any case, that’s about it, except for the music – kind of appropriately full of modern indie women; I’ll take it.

  1. “Lavaroth” – Valentine Wolfe
  2. “C is for Corpse Camp” – Mikey Mason
  3. “What Do You Hear in these Sounds” – Dar Williams
  4. “DMZ” – Leslie Hudson
  5. “Wasted Years” – Iron Maiden
  6. “On The Sea” – Efenwealth Wystle
  7. “Hang on Me” – St. Vincent
  8. “That Train” – The Badlees
  9. “Never Land” – The Long Losts
  10. “The Speeding Ticket Song” – Danny Birt
  11. “Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)” – Florence + The Machine
  12. “Shane” – Liz Phair
  13. “Phree Burd” – Beth Patterson

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