friday random elevenish: “pardon me” edition

Another week watching the world burn (or at least watching some people scattering kindling willy-nilly in world burning anticipation) while the press and pundits focus on their navels and that shiny squirrel over there who’s going to do exactly what he’s going to do regardless of whether Joe Biden’s compassionate and completely within the bounds of his executive power as expressed in Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution actions give him precedent to do so or not.
Of course, while this has been going on, I’m still here filling out schedule tables, composing reporting logic, going to a few appointments, putting four new tires on my car that I didn’t expect to need just yet, and being amused at how little time it takes my dog to finish her morning ablutions when it’s 19° outside.
But getting back to that pardon business, I’ve got no issue with it. Sure, he originally said he wasn’t going to do it, but given that nobody not named Biden would have even been prosecuted for the same charges, and if they were, they wouldn’t have their reasonable plea deal rejected, and would certainly not show up on the proposed FBI Director’s “enemies list.” Had the election turned out differently, I expect he wouldn’t have done it, because the courts, the DOJ, and Congress would be much more likely to take a reasonable tack on it.
Feels reasonable to me. Folks are already shitting on his pretty awesome legacy anyway. History will be kind, but the present’s going to be the present. Don’t sweat it, and protect someone you love from unreasonable hassle.
As far as whether this gives TFG justification for doing the things he’s going to do, and already did last time, like pardoning his son-in-law’s dad for illegal witness tampering involving hiring a sex worker to seduce his brother-in-law, and taping the encounter to use as blackmail, among other less scandalous things, and then giving the asshole an ambassadorship (and that’s not even considering Roger Stone and Steve Bannon), that’s rather ridiculous. I appreciate the “they go low, we go high” ethos of maintaining a higher standard, and yes, the incoming administration has already paid lip service to this action as justification for future action, though anyone who thinks this pardon has any effect on the kind of shenanigans the once and future Chief Executive would have gotten up to is fooling themselves.
You know, honestly, I’d like to see Joe Biden just go ahead and run with things; make use of that “absolute immunity” 23-939 Trump v United States gives POTUS and call the Court’s bluff: Cancel student debt. Cancel medical debt. Legalize weed. Get the ERA finally added to the Constitution. Limit the terms of the Insurrection Act to prevent the incoming guys from deploying the military against US citizens. Pardon the heck out of everybody on Patel’s “enemies” list. Offer clemency to non-violent offenders and those with outdated sentences.
Go full-on Dark Brandon for the next 45 days. Hell, resign on January 19, and make Kamala Harris President for half a day, give us the first woman as President and deny the next guy the number 47 to make all that merch with 45-47 on it he’s already had printed up in Chinese factories ahead of his promised tariffs obsolete.
Okay, that last one’s just a little petty.
In any case, that’s my take on politics since the holiday weekend as we rapidly approach the end of the year.
Personally, I don’t have a whole lot on the agenda coming up. The usual weekend stuff (groceries, chores, etc), and maybe some more holiday shopping and going out for a beer. Who knows. I’m going to play it loose. I’ll take advantage of that luxury while I’ve got it.
Anyway; this week’s tunes spit out of Spotify (and I’d show my “Wrapped”, but it’s got me as the #4 artist and five of five for the top songs, thanks to streaming a selection of tunes from the new record from the merch table for six or eight hours a day for Dragoncon); it’s full of Americana and catchy blues guitar:
- “You Make My Dreams (Come True)” – Arkells
- “Do I Ever Cross Your Mind” – Chet Atkins (w Dolly Parton)
- “The Rest Of My Life” – Sloan
- “So Says I” – The Shins
- “Canola Fields” – James McMurtry
- “Mirror and a Kitchen Sink” – Tommy Prine
- “It Hurts So Bad” – Susan Tedeschi
- “McKenzie” – Houndmouth
- “Carolina Rolling By” – Mipso
- “All The Pretty Girls”- fun.
- “Junior’s Farm” – Wings
- “Underestimate Me” – Maggie Rose
- “Better Things” – Ray Davies and Bruce Springsteen