friday random elevenish: “peter principled to death” edition

18 Feb

Yeah, maybe just a little overwhelmed this week, not unlike every other recent week, frankly, but…yeah.

Lots of stuff at work, too many damned meetings, briefings, process changes, paperwork, email threads, and…etc. Stuff at home as well – too many bodies in a small space, a huge decluttering project which I truly appreciate, though the “in-process” is a struggle as I trip over things on their way toward being re-filed or Kondo’d out of the house, and an elderly cat who’s decided to completely embrace the id and brazenly knock over trash cans, food containers, any dish or plate or whatever that’s been out of someone’s eyeline for more than a fraction of a second…

I *did* have a couple of days of nice weather this week, leading to a wonderful five mile hike along the river and a really nice 21 mile bike ride. I’m hoping for a bit more of that this weekend, but we’ll see. I’ve woken up to rain, and who the heck knows what’ll happen next.

Wrote three decent songs for FAWM this week, and I’m hoping I have another one in me before the week’s out – I’ve got four to go and ten more days to write them, and would rather not wait until the last minute. Overall, the experience has been a good one this year so far, even if I’ve been two busy the last two weeks to record anything, and I’m leaving a bit of a backlog to catch up on.

But, I’m not going to waste any more time on this contractually-obligated missive; one more self-imposed responsibility I give myself as I just take too damned much on and don’t realize it until it’s already dragging me down.

Playlist this week – full-on indie, complete with banjos and reverb, and several animal mentions. Woof:

  1. “You Dog” – Advance Base
  2. “Little Sparrow” – Alan Dunham
  3. “Plates” – Lala Lala, Benjamin Gibbard
  4. “It Came In The Night” – Raincoat
  5. “Liar” – Envy of None
  6. “Galveston” – Why Bonnie
  7. “You’re Not Alone” – Amon Düül II
  8. “Green Rocky Road” – Bria
  9. “Francesca – The Murlocs
  10. “The One” – The Lemon Twigs
  11. “Here Comes The Hotstepper” – Dr. Dog
  12. “Fill Your Heart” – Biff Rose

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