friday random elevenish – “progress? maybe!” edition
The week, thankfully, is winding down. It’s been a reasonably busy one, except when it hasn’t been. Feast for famine for activity. Work either has me on the phone all day, putting out fires, or it’s sitting around waiting for something, anything, to happen. I have, at this point, managed to knock out seventy bike/hike miles so far this week, and dropped another three pounds. On Wednesday, I had my annual doc check-up, and I’m in pretty decent shape, all told. I’ll take it, I think.
I have also, as I type this on Thursday evening, completed, I believe, a rough mix of the first tune on the yet-to-be-titled Chuck record that I need to have pressed and in hand by November. If I can knock one out a week, I’ll have plenty of time to mix/tweak/etc ahead of getting the think pressed on plastic. It doesn’t sound, as far as I can tell, like total crap, even. As for what song it is, here’s a pretty obvious hint:

Not much on tap for the weekend; this is the quiet one where school winds down, and we enjoy the quiet a little bit before dance recital weekend next weekend. I think I’m just going to keep my head down, do some laundry, and read a bit.
All that’s left, really, is the playlist, yanked off my hard drive. A few friends, and a big hunk of Central Pennsylvania there in the back half. As I’ve said previously in this very post, I’ll take it:
- “Skeleton Woman” – Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands
- “Spy” – The Clarks
- “Miles Away” – Winger
- “Help!” – The Beatles
- “Love Lies” – SJ Tucker
- “Tear In My Heart” – twenty one pilots
- “Shout It Out Loud” – KISS
- “Bliss” – Tori Amos
- “Ballad of Dick and Jane” – The Badlees
- “All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You” – Halestorm
- “Let There Be Lonely” – The Secret Sisters
- “Reject” – Earth to Bob
- “C is for Corpse Camp” – Mikey Mason
- “We Want the Easy Road” – Gray Rinehart