friday random elevenish: “remember, remember” edition

05 Nov

The whole idea of blowing up a legislative body right now is (figuratively, of course) maybe a little more attractive to me than it probably should be. Apart from the current shenanigans around BIF/BBB (some of which might actually get a vote today? maybe?) which almost certainly played a small part* in the less-than-preferable election results around these parts this week, the can-kicking tactics with regard to continuing resolutions and debt ceilings** are wreaking havoc on my ability to do my job. I’ve got projects to get scheduled, and when there’s no official budget after December 3rd, there are all kinds of additional roadblocks*** to deal with.

Apart from all that, the flu shot I got on Friday evening kind of knocked me harder on my ass than I necessarily expected, leading to my taking my first sick day in over two years, but I needed it. And, after a week of eating delicious leftover vegetarian chili combined with last night’s equally delicious halushki, let’s just say that my lower GI might be classified as a weapon of mass destruction per the Chemical Weapons Convention.

There’s been a general inconvenient undercurrent working it’s magic; let’s just say it ain’t been the best week; not the worst, mind you, but not great.

One bright spot was digging through the wealth of Frank Zappa live recordings available on Spotify. I think I’m going to stuff the news and all it’s associated frustrations on the car radio, at least until I get through all sixteen hours of Halloween ’77.

In related tunes news, here’s this week’s usual visit to the streaming algorithms, including some old school metal, my favorite R.E.M. song, something kind of out of place at #8, and a visit by the guitar player in Frank’s band in the above-mentioned shows at #7. It’s good stuff:

  1. “Heading Out To The Highway” – Judas Priest
  2. “Madonna of the Wasps” – Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians
  3. “Glamorous Glue” – Morrissey
  4. “Another Girl, Another Planet” – The Only Ones
  5. “Switch 625” – Def Leppard
  6. “God Is A Bullet” – Concrete Blonde
  7. “Oh Daddy” – Adrian Belew
  8. “(I’d Go The ) Whole Wide World” – The Monkees
  9. “Know Your Product” – The Saints
  10. “Lay Lady Lay” – Ministry
  11. “Driver 8” – R.E.M.
  12. “Yer So Bad” – Tom Petty
  13. “Space Cowboy” – Steve Miller Band
  14. “Until You Came Along” – Golden Smog


*-…but nearly as much as the media claims. McAuliffe ran a less than stellar campaign and fed the other guy all kinds of plausible lines to run with while he was essentially running against TFG.

**- Reference, once again, this song (which, if you guy it, or anything else from bandcamp today, they’re waiving their fees, so I get an extra few cents on the dollar).

***-Roadblocks like procrastinators trying to push garbage through at the absolute last minute and lawyers generally misapplying the ADA where it doesn’t belong because they assume my meticulously researched and documented packages are the same kind of garbage.

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