friday random elevenish: “the power of a tuna sandwich” edition

24 Apr

Since my last dispatch 48 hours or so ago, it’s honestly pretty much the same. I get up, I work for a few hours in the company of my cat, sit conference calls and answer emails, then I try and come up with other stuff to fill the time; and honestly, with few exceptions, I don’t really fill it with much of consequence.

I watched a James Bond movie the other evening. I read a book. I took a quick drive out to the pet store to buy cat food yesterday afternoon. I cooked a nice curry. Watched the latest episode of The Masked Singer with the youngest last night, and now she’s a huge hair metal fan (“they’re so pretty!”).

The odd thing out was that we spent an hour or two shooting my parts for the “Blind Pig” video. There’s going to be green screen, because regular schlubs like us can do that now. It was fun, though honestly, my bits weren’t all that complicated.

The world out there is still the world; crazy garbage flows from her whatever, and my friends in Georgia, which is probably the epicenter of crazy right now, are rightfully concerned. Having spent many a fun weekend in Atlanta, should things reopen now, it’s going to be total shit show.

One bright spot in the political sphere, and quite likely a brilliant one, is the bizarre video of one of my Senators making an awful ‘tuna melt’. Yes, it’s silly and deadpan and kinda sketchy. That said, it’s knocked a ton of damaging garbage (as mentioned in the previous paragraph) off the front page, most significantly, the “ReOpen Virginia” rally downtown the other day, which happened, but NOBODY in the Commonwealth is talking about.

Like I said, brilliant. Drain all that harmful movement’s momentum away by not draining the tuna. My conservative friends on social media are all just talking about that damned sandwich instead of voicing support for ridiculous rallies or conspiracy theories about the current Governor that I’m not going to dignify by linking to.

Anyway – the weekend is going to be about what you’d expect. No point belaboring it, so let’s get to tunes. My weekly discovery Spotify list this week seriously hits some prescient feelings; numbers two, three, five, and eleven kinda capture the moment perfectly:

  1. “No More Pennies” – Starcrawler
  2. “Pretty Crazy” – Butch Walker
  3. “This Boy Is Exhausted” – The Wrens
  4. “Please Don’t Call Me Crazy” – The Cactus Blossoms
  5. “Life in Quarantine” – Benjamin Gibbard
  6. “Brightest Star” – Lilly Hiatt
  7. “Thriving” – Diet Cig
  8. “Good Place to Hide (at the time)”- Partner
  9. “Best Shirt On” – Chuck Prophet
  10. “Let ’em Know” – Flock of Pigs
  11. “Everything Has Changed” – Best Coast
  12. “Not A Complicated Person” – Down Time

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