friday random elevenish: “they said ‘snow’ on the radio” edition

21 Feb

That title up there kind of says it all about where the hell the mid-Atlantic is right now. As I write this, it hasn’t hit us yet, but I expect we’ll get something; not much, of course (at least to my grew-up-in-the-northeast perspective), but two inches is enough to shut this metropolitan area down.

I’m not hugely concerned on the whole; I don’t really have anywhere to be this weekend anyway. Worst I’ll have to live with is the boy-child (well, not really ‘boy’ or ‘child’ anymore, having reached the age of majority) agitating for further driving lessons, which, if it does get bad, I’ll be hesitant about, as he doesn’t have that much experience yet.

The week’s been…yeah.

Took a nice trip out to Williamsburg on Saturday to crash the CLRG Feis vendor room for hardshoes for the youngest, as it’s easier to buy these things when you have the Irish lady there to size them rather than mail order and guess (also, one of the vendors stocked a bunch of neat UK/Ireland snacks). I also booked a gig while out in the ‘burg, at Retro Daddio in May. So, cool.

Otherwise, the same complaints about work from last time still apply, perhaps moreso. Had a pretty good open mic on Wednesday night, more sparsely attended than I would have liked for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, but we had enough performers to more than fill the time, and more importantly for the management, they were drinking. Also significantly, I played a couple of new tunes (“Just Feel Alive” and “Friday Night, 1988”) that I wrote in the last two weeks as part of FAWM, which were well received, particularly “FN’88”, which I’m really pretty proud of as it takes shape.

Speaking of FAWM, I’m at 13 of 14 as I write this (14 if you count my “collaboration” with Mikey, as my title inspired his own instance of an entirely different “FN’88”), and I’ll probably have that last one out by the weekend, and then the rest of it will be extra icing. I’ve got a couple of good ones this time around; I think I’m starting to get the hang of this songwriting business.

Like I said, nothing huge on the agenda this weekend besides the usual laundry/bills/shopping, other than tentative plans to track down a new food truck in the RVA, Thai Won On, because we roll like that, and new vegetarian options are always welcome.

Weather permitting, of course.

Anyway, tunes. interesting mix this week, with a serious earworm at #4, and a back half that’s pretty rockin’ in an alternative sort of way. I’ll take it:

  1. “Get Out of Denver (live, Detroit ’75) – Bob Seger
  2. “Rooming House On Venice Beach” – Jonathan Richman
  3. “Shine” – Sammy Miller and the Congregation
  4. “Blackout” Frank Turner
  5. “Walls – Circus” – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
  6. “Jesus was Way Cool” – King Missle
  7. “In A Big Country” – moe.
  8. “The Spirit of Radio” – Rush
  9. “September Gurls” – Big Star
  10. “My Slumbering Heart” – Rilo Kiley
  11. “Teenage F.B.I.” – Guided By Voices
  12. “Demon Rock” – Letters to Cleo
  13. “Grab It” – Dinosaur Jr.
  14. “Good Time Charlie” – Priests

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