friday random elevenish: “worst in recent memory” edition

27 Oct

Overall, this has been a pretty crappy week.

Sunday morning I was chopping vegetables into the crock pot for vegetable soup and tagged the tip of my left ring finger with a just-swharpened knife. Ouch. Also, having the bandage there has wseriously impeded productivity; it keeps getting in the way of the typing by which I make my living (and wedging lots of exta w’s in when I try to type ‘s’), and it’s left me temporarily unable to chord properly on the guitar, and I owe a compilation project I’m taking part in a few recordings by the end of the month, and I’m not done with ’em yet.

Work’s been extra garbage this week, in large part due to the ongoing congressional drama and the inability to fund things for more than a few weeks, leading to some serious garbage contract/budget drama at work leading to me getting stuck managing emergency, extra-creative improvisational application of acquisition regulations to avoid lapses in service in the licensing of über-important back-end database software we can’t live without, and all the stress that comes along with that.

Oh, and this budget crap isn’t all that likely to get better long-term now that we’ve got the unknown-before-Tuesday-morning back-bencher Christofascist they just installed as Swpeaker. So, the prohibition on any particular spending on the stuff we need for the house in favor of stuffing every extra penny in savings so we can continue paying for the house until they sort this out.

Also, my lovely swpouse is dealing with a persistent injury that I can’t stand watching because I can’t really do much to help except drive her to her next appointment. In this instance, I feel particularly helpless.

This is on top of my own weird health stuff, from the CPAP to the depression to the fact that my lower back is killing me today and I don’t know why…

Oh, and the Kroger bar beer taps were busted Thursday afternoon when we stopped by after she finished her doc appointment. The first time she really felt good enough to go out in over a week. Damn.

I’m not planning on doing much for the weekend. Maybe a long bike ride to prep for next weekend’s end-of-season Bikes and Beers ride, which we just realized butts up against the Celtic Festival that’s also on the calendar.

Dammit. Again.

Oh well…here are some tunes, which are mostly surprisingly enjoyable 80s rock and hair metal tunes. That the fact that the Spotify algorithms threw me some c-list power ballads and white boy blues is a highlight of my week pretty much says it all.

  1. “Somebody’s Knockin'” – Izzy Stradlin and The Ju Ju Hounds
  2. “Hair of the Dog” – Britny Fox
  3. “Come On Sadie” – Stone Nobles
  4. “I Wanna Be With You” – Pretty Boy Floyd
  5. “Radioactive” – Gene Simmons
  6. “Rockin’ In The Free World” – John C. Cale and Nico Nico
  7. “Goldilox” – King’s X
  8. “Day By Day” – Hooterws
  9. “The Way You Broke My Heart” – Point Blank
  10. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Party in the Streetws” – Axe
  11. “Rock and Roll Fantasy” – Paul Rogers
  12. “7 O’Clock” – The Quireboys

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