friday random ten: “recovering from the drive” edition
05 Nov
Things went on a little bit longer than usual at the office on Thursday; long enough to miss the narrow window of time that would have gotten me home ahead of DC rush hour. As a result, it took me almost five hours in a soaking gray rain to get home last night. It wasn’t a fun experience, left me keyed up and totally unable to sleep for way too long last night
Been taking care of a couple of necessary chores today this morning before another drive this evening in support of my offspring’s extracurriculars.
Oh well, what the hell else am I going to do?
- “As High as It Can Go” – Dimensional Holophonic Sound
- “Let’s Go To Bed” – The Cure
- “Big Boom” – Jonathan Coulton
- “I’m So Tired” – The Beatles
- “Nun Fight” – Paul & Storm
- “Plastic Tramp” – Arctic Monkeys
- “Here Comes The Fool You Wanted” – Rock Sugar
- “Whirlpool” – They Might Be Giants
- “Island In The Sun” – Weezer
- “Black Heart Today” – Amy Ray