friday random ten specific photo

11 Sep

Because it’s been hell of day and I don’t feel like futzing with my phone or my music archive, I’m not posting a random playlist, but rather a photo (taken by facebook personage Wendy Lea “WaltzingDog” Feldmann) from our Saturday night set at Dragon*Con last weekend, because it’s cool, and makes us look like a real band and stuff. It’s pretty sweet.

I’m not sure what song we’re actually playing here, though it’s probably “Raised By Nerds”*, because we played it in every set we did over the weekend, whether it be on stage, in the filk circle, or noodling around by the merch table. It went over pretty well. If you haven’t heard it, you should make the effort, because it’s pretty great (if we do say so ourselves), and you have absolutely no excuse now, because I embedded it below. Just, as they say, push play. (it even has a link to buy it** if you feel so moved):

So, that’s what’s going on here. It’s payday. I paid bills, which is occasionally depressing. I’ll live. Have a nice weekend, everyone!


* – “Nerds” is what I’m going to go with, but given a couple of hints in the photo (Kirsten’s tambourine, the fact that I’m way up there around the 17th fret on the top image), it might be “Zip Me Up”, another pretty great song we hadn’t played in a while and added to the set at the last minute. We call audiles like that.

** – Really…buy it. Please.

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