Great cover, or Greatest cover?

02 Apr

I spent a little time this week working on some updates to put up over at MTKdC, detailing Mike’s latest recording gig with the Norwegian metal band Gaia Epicus.

The sample tunes they have posted aren’t bad; a catchy throwback to 80s metal. I liked it.

However, I LOVE the album covers. Absolutely LOVE them.

The cover for 2007’s Victory is sort of a weird fusion of Delacroix’s La Liberté guidant le peuple and John Carpenter flick. It’s gruesome, but actually kind of beautiful. My compliments to artist J.P. Fouriner.

The cover for Damnation, the record to which Mike’s contributing, is, however, the perfect fusion of Heavy Metal fantasy/sci-fi imagery. Crashing tides, futuristic city, a sky with way too many celetial bodies, a wizard, a naked blue elvish chick, and a giant warrior robot:

The only thing missing is a pirate, but thankfully, there are several of those (plus a flying pirate ship) on the Symphony of Glory cover.

As well as stormtroopers with lightsabers armored legions with energy blades, a court jester, and a vaguely Egyptian wizard.

The thirteen year old D&D dork in me is completely smitten…can you tell?


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