happy boxing day

‘Tis Boxing Day; hope you’re enjoying your two turtle doves, and are ready for all those other birds over the next week and a half…
After watching Congress pull a miracle out of their asses at the last minute, our Christmas here was quiet; we mostly lounged around reading, playing video games (the family gift was a shiny new PS5, so much Gran Turismo was played), and grazing from the big pot of chili and big loaf of jalapeño cheddar cornbread I made.
Also, keeping the dog away from her best friend the kitten*, who spent Christmas Eve-eve having two particular jingle balls removed, and is, for the moment, mostly confined the to the bathroom with his cone of shame and pain meds until the incision heals up.
Quiet is what I like for major holidays, honestly. Just chilling at home with the phone turned off for my mental health, and just being…usually with a cat in my lap, a book in one hand and a grown-up drink in the other.
That works for me.
Today and the next couple of days will probably be more of the same. Probably take the dog for a walk or three in the park (especially for First Day Hikes in VA State Parks), and perhaps joining some friends for drinks at some point, but mostly, just being.
Do what works for you, folks. Whatever of the million holidays out there right now you’re celebrating, enjoy it(them).
* – Oh, I haven’t mentioned the kitten, have I? This is Goose, who followed us home from Dragoncon back in September. Friends of ours in NC had a litter of kittens they were looking to find homes for, and after much deliberation, we decided we couldn’t resist checking off “orange doofus troublemaker” in the ‘dex. Actually, he’s pretty cool if we can keep him out of the sink, and he’s the only cat who plays with the dog, and she loves him, even though he’s five pounds and she’s sixty-five or so, and neither of them acknowledge the size difference, because toddlers.