happy discount candy day, spring edition

17 Apr

it’s monday. yep.

I’m still feeling pretty okay; all told. It’s refreshing, but kind of weird, to be operating without significant anxiety. Life hasn’t changed, at all, really, though dealing with it’s got much easier; I recognize the problems, but they don’t weigh on my so heavily. I’m eating less, sleeping better, and, all, is, if not right with my world, more than tolerable. I’m really hoping it stays this way.

The weekend was pretty typical, aside from the Easter baskets. Friday afternoon, most of us went bumming around James River Park, particularly Belle Isle and Brown’s Island. For those not aware, there’s a great big bit of green space in the middle of downtown Richmond, including legit whitewater rapids, miles of hiking trails, and lots of neat little historical bits. A lot of the impetus for the trip was to get some nice “senior” photos of the first born (mostly for the senior slideshow thing the dance school will do at the recital), though it ended up being a really nice, several mile walk along and across the river (and I hatched a bunch of pokemon eggs too). After that, we had nice dinner out, then settled in to watch a bit of the new MST3K on Netflix (it’s really, really good).

Saturday, among other little bits here and there, I ran another session of D&D for my group of newbie grad students; so much fun was had. They’re pirates now, after running my oft-used Goonies rip-off homage adventure in pursuit of the artifacts left behind by the notorious sourge of the seas, “Crabface” Stanley. This was followed by more MST3K (this is a theme).

Sunday was largely chill; little bit of candy, a nice meal, more MST3K (see?), some laundry, some reading, and some music – I spent some time learning a couple of tin-pan alley tunes on ukulele (which fit the milieu of the item mentioned later in this run-on sentence), and late in the day, I got a bunch of in-process tracks from the upcoming Humdingers record to work on, which I’ll drop some tracks on over the next week or two. This batch includes, among other things, “Trolley Witch Blues”, which I wrote and S&K were fond enough of to deem worthy of inclusion into the Humdinger ouvre. We laid some guitar tracks down for it the other weekend, though I need to put a bass line and a new guitar solo on it. I think I’m going to use my dad’s old SG to do that; I think he’d have gotten a kick out of my using it in this context.

That’s life as it stands, other than sending kids back to school after spring break (I had lots of fun tossing fresh laundry at them to fold while yelling “Woo Spring Break!” Kitty Sanchez style this week, because I’m an awful person). Jury’s still out on how they’re going to do today.

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