How I learned to stop worrying and love Cybus Industries

16 Jan

Since we got these new cell phones the other week, I’ve been mildly obsessed with bluetooth, the cleverly named, short range wireless protocol with the really cool viking rune logo. In an effort to make my fancy bluetooth enabled phone communicate with my laptop, I ordered the optional bluetooth card (a postage stamp sized bit shipped in a huge cardboard box), and, with minimal tweaking, I was able to transfer pictures and homebrew ringtones without having to involve the moblie provider.

This week, I noticed a sale at Best Buy, and picked up a cheap bluetooth wireless headset. I’ve generally been down on these things for a while; not so much the tech itself, but rather the people who insist on wearing the things on their ear 24/7, and looking like complete, self-absorbed tools doing it.

The problem, after using the thing for a couple of days now,  is that I find the silly looking headset with the big blue blinkenlight on it terribly, terribly useful in certain situations.  For example, it worked very well to talk to Colleen while I was driving back to the hotel yesterday; according to her, the sound quality was no different than if I were just using the phone, and there were no dangly wires anywhere to tangle up while I operated the vehicle.

I still don’t believe that I’ll walk around with the thing on my head all the time, but I suspect that no matter how self-important and silly it may look, I’m just going to have to cave to the Lubic Cyberman revolution from time to time because it’s just so damned convenient.

No Responses to “How I learned to stop worrying and love Cybus Industries”

  1. 1
    find people » How I learned to stop worrying and love Cybus Industries Says:

    […] post by chuck dash parker dot net and software by Elliott Back This entry is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any […]

  2. 2
    Mike Says:

    Don’t be a BLUETOOL…!!!!!!!

  3. 3
    chuck Says:

    oh god, no.

    Only in the car….only in the car.

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