how i spent my (unpaid) summer vacation – week four

30 Jul

I really didn’t do much of anything, because of this damned summer cold I found myself saddled with. Laundry and rest, basically.

I played some music with some people on Sunday, and couple of us parental types took our kids collectively bowling. That was kind of cool.

In amongst that, I started hacking around with my GURPS books and built a couple of super types for the upcoming supers campaign (Not sure whether I’m going to use the invulnerable sushi chef or the former thief who can yank (mostly) useful items out of a personal dimensional rift in the multiverse like a Looney Tunes character), played some Lego Batman 2 on the PS3, and made a trip to the library (and now I have way too many books in my “to be read before they’re due back” pile, though I’ll probably burn through them quickly because they all look good).

Not my most productive weekend. Oh well. I forgive me.

No Responses to “how i spent my (unpaid) summer vacation – week four”

  1. 1
    elizabeth campbell Says:

    What’s on the book pile?

    I vote Invulnerable Sushi Chef!
    …tho the Bottomless Bag Thief sounds cool too.

  2. 2
    elizabeth campbell Says:

    I see you have Pirate King by Laurie R. King on your currently reading list. Is this another of her Sherlock Holmes mash-ups or a new one? I’ve yet to read The Bee Keeper. Maybe I’ll start that this weekend.

  3. 3
    chuck Says:

    On the book pile….huh…

    Once I finish the Laurie R. King (and yeah, it’s another Russell/Holmes book, though this one more Russell than Holmes), my library stack in order of when it has to go back is Iain Banks’ “Matter” (another culture book) and the Laika graphic novel (think you’d like this one – the story of the russian cosmonaut dog -won all kinds of awards a few years back).

    Then the stuff in the latest amazon box – The new Carrie Vaughn and the second trade from Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye series. Then, who knows – there are a few dozen titles on the kindle I haven’t touched yet, and a whole stack of Azimovs and Analog I haven’t opened yet. then….

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