I am not surprised

08 Feb

Disappointed, but not surprised.

Maybe six inches of snow in these parts on Saturday. Plenty of sun yesterday, roads were really quite nice yesterday afternoon.

Not that it stopped the panic. No school in the county today, and I was turned away at the office gate this morning at 6:05am; delayed opening for some reason.  Really killed any momentum I had going, though I did get to go home and make myself a nice breakfast.

Sure, NoVA and DC got 30 inches, but this ain’t DC; things are pretty much fine here.

return of the classic image

I promise, this is the last time I complain about this here, I’m tired of it. I’d rather complain about something else, like how misogynistic and insulting (to both genders) all those super bowl commericals were last night.

No Responses to “I am not surprised”

  1. 1
    chuck Says:

    look – the resident XY at pandagon agrees with me.

    The NFL (or at least the advertising staff at CBS) apparently hates women.

    Oh, and it had to kill the suits at the network to not slap CSI logos all over the half-time show, don’t you think?

  2. 2
    chuck Says:

    I am secure in my masculinity, there is no reason I’ll ever need to buy a Dodge Charger.

    Though as several places on the ‘tubes have pointed out, the VO on that commercial was Dexter, which merely amped up the creep factor.

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