I wish…
…that (a) this statement by “Lori on slacktivist wasn’t true, and (b) that I was clever enough to phrase it this way first:
In fairness, there has been a vigorous 3 decade long campaign to redefine Liberal as “slightly to the left of Ho Chi Minh” and also, inexplicably, “Hitler”. If you believed that you’d describe yourself as Conservative too.
Yes, people who believe that are stupid, but when practically the entire political and media establishment is marinating the country in dumbass sauce all day every day it’s more difficult to be smart than it should be.
“marinating the country in dumbass sauce”…that’s a great turn of phrase.
It’s all part of the whole business of how much of American society has been aggressively pushing the misguided idea that being smart and/or intellectual is a Very Bad Thing™. I wish there was more I could do, besides railing against it here in this space, and encourage my kids to appreciate learning for learning’s sake, to counter that idea.