“i won’t break today”

20 Mar

As much as I hate to admit it, the subject of this post is what I find myself chanting to myself as I walk from the parking lot to the office door every morning these days. Things are a little rough around my office right now; first, because I’m still figuring out what the hell my job is supposed to be (and I recently picked up another whole job when someone pulled a quickie retirement a couple of weeks ago), but secondly, because there’s a big dark, scary cloud of reorganization on the horizon for the whole organization, and nobody quite knows how it’s going to shake out; my job is secure, though almost everyone else is pretty worried, not knowing where they’re going to end up once the smoke clears (though the rumors are such that if I hadn’t been hired for the particular slot I’ve been in since January, I would’ve ended up getting shunted over to this office soon enough anyway*).

There’s some stress around here, it’s safe to say.

And that’s just the office. At home, we’re sort of down to one car at the moment; the van hit a pothole last week, and dented up the fancy aluminum/nickel alloy rim such that it has been deemed irreparable. The dealer wanted an unreasonable price for one, and as I couldn’t source one locally, I ended up hitting the ‘net for a remanufactured replacement, which should be in my hands this evening, if UPS tracking is to be believed.

So, there’s that.

The only think keeping me going this week, honestly, is the fact that I get to play rock star tomorrow night in my own damned city. Some of my friends in the band Paradox Machine have organized a show in town Saturday night, and invited The Blibbering Humdingers along for the ride, and as Scott and Kirsten aren’t yet so sick of me that they’ve asked me to stop following them around, I’ll be sitting in on bass for the evening.

If you happen to be in/around town this weekend, you could definitely do worse for entertainment. Details for the show here. Doors at the Regency Family Restaurant open at 6pm; It’s two bands and dinner for $20 bucks – a pretty good deal, if I do say so myself.

Hopefully we can still make load-in time with one car, which is really pretty small to contain my bass rig and the family, some of which will be dancing earlier in the day at a local Irish Festival…

Rock on.


*– so much for the whole buyers remorse thing and begging for my old job back…

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