inviting comment: your first album

16 Sep

Inspired by this piece in the Onion AV Club, I figured I’d try something new; actually inviting comments from you, my meager population of readers…

Share with the rest of us, dear reader: What was the first record(/tape/cd/8-track/wax cylinder) you bought for yourself with your own money?

I’ll start: Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA; on cassette. All in all, not terribly embarassing. I’m not entirely sure why it was my first record; I think it had something to do with my late elementary school babysitter’s fascination with him, and hearing the good half-dozen hit singles on the radio all the time, and that it seemed like a “real” rock and roll record to my 11 year old self. I vaguely remember walking home from the Zayre department store in Sunbury PA, wrestling the cassette out of that cheap plastic frame/torture device they used to prevent shoplifting, and reading the copious liner notes. I’d say I wore the the tape out playing it on a series of cheap cassette players, but I’m pretty sure I still have it, buried in the bottom of an old army crate I keep that stuff in.

I think I had copies of Micheal Jackson’s Thriller and “Weird” Al Yankovic’s In-3D before that, but I’m pretty sure they were gifts.

Okay folks, you turn: let’s hear yours in the comments…please?!

No Responses to “inviting comment: your first album”

  1. 1
    chuck Says:

    so, no one then?

    Don’t everybody comment at once now….

  2. 2
    jen Says:

    Probably New Kids on the Block Hangin’ Tough, much to the chagrin of my brothers :). Though I couldn’t say for sure. I do remember being a member of the BMG music club back in the day. I still have several of my purchases from there, Air Supply’s Greatest Hits, maybe a Cher tape. Woo-Hoo!

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