it feels like I should bother a little with the weekend

10 May

Y’know, since it was so busy and all…I did things.

But, given that it’s already Tuesday and I’ve moved on? I dunno. I can say that Colleen and I had a great time at the Jonathan Coulton show, and really enjoyed the new songs he played. The new record should be fun; really. Cough hand.

Then, After a relatively quiet Friday involving a couple of errands, we hit the Va Rennaissance Faire on Saturday, where we saw a magic show, petted some greyhounds and alpacas, watched a neat little demonstration on stage swordplay, and totally collapsed the size of one friend’s world. Also, some of us were repeately mistaken for part of the show. After the faire, we returned to the present and attended a very nice birthday party for a friend with lots of other friends, ate delicious pies, and learned that ninja reapers do not approve of peace or air travel.

Sunday involved going out to lunch with many of the same friends, and my supervising my children as the prepared a multi-course meal all by themselves for the woman what bore them.

well, I guess that’s the weekend in a couple of paragraphs. Maybe I’ll blog about music later, and maybe I won’t; we shall see.

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