likely to be the longest three days ever

30 May

I am at work for three days this week, before heading down to ConCarolinas for all the gigs on Friday. I have found that the experience of time dilation coming off a long weekend is profound; I expect both coming from and heading into one will be even more so. The next three days will probably feel like a decade.

Oh well, I shall survive, working, biking, and locking down the last few tunes before doing my shows this weekend, and engaging in general musical tomfoolerly and hijinks with my musical friends.

This past weekend was largely chill; I got some biking in when it wasn’t raining, I celebrated getting down under 260 pounds with a dinner out with my wife (understanding that said meal out, while responsible, kind of blew progress for one day, though I landed right back on track the next, and more importantly, stayed under 260), and totally failed to make it to the Okilly Dokilly show on Sunday night, because frankly, neither my wife or I could fathom staying out to 2am, even if it did mean watching five guys dressed like Ned Flanders play loud heavy metal and scream, as cool as that surely would be.

We are secure in our oldness; it’s okay.

And in the little things that make me feel amazing department, over the weekend I found a reasonably-priced tempered glass screen cover for my phone to replace the weird, gummy, “self-healing” one that the phone store threw in when we upgraded a few months back. I installed it this morning while doing the morning email, and while it looks slightly small for the screen (I believe this is the result of accounting for the curved edges of the screen on the Galaxy S7), the sheer pleasure I get from the tactile sensation compared to the old one is considerable. So smooth! So responsive! I am unreasonably happy about this, but I own it. I get excited about odd things, but most of you knew that already.

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