list of things I can do left-handed…

23 Sep
  1. type this, with difficulty
  2. drive a car with an automatic transmission
  3. change a diaper (very impressive, that…)
  4. answer the question “what did you do?”
  5. vacuum the living room
  6. almost answer my cellphone
  7. ride out the occasional jolt of pain
  8. feed the fish
  9. put away groceries
  10. clap

I write this, because thanks to some unintended contact with a wall, I fractured a small bone (metacarpal, I believe) in my right hand on Saturday morning. I have the rudiments of a cast/splint on it now, and hopefully, will get something more stable on it tomorrow, when I can see an actual orthopedist, rather than the emergency room guy.

Oh well, the pain’ s not too awful most of the time, and I have some nice (and not so nice…I’m looking at you, motrin) painkillers. It’s been twelve years or so since I did this last (though apparently my x-ray looked like more than the previous three breaks I remember), I guess I’m due.

No Responses to “list of things I can do left-handed…”

  1. 1
    jen Says:

    It wasn’ t me this time!!! πŸ˜‰ Though I am very sorry to hear about your hand!!! I am very surprised that with all of my unlucky falls, smacks and other unfortunate accidents that I too have not broken something. Besides your hand, that is πŸ˜›
    Anyway, hope you feel better!

    Oh, and we got the October Keyboard in the mail on Wednesday! The article looks great!!! I imagine it will be out in stores shortly! Billy Joel is on the cover, but I think they saved the best for last….literally.Page 96. πŸ˜‰

  2. 2
    Wahoo Says:

    Thank you for sharing!

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