longing for the rock star life…

26 Aug

Having finished that class I took the last two weeks, I went back to the usual office grind on Monday, to get some good news, mostly hassle, and finding that nobody feels like answering their email or voice mail.


The good news, that I keep hanging onto, is the fact that I only have to weather this crapstorm for two more days, at which time I pack up the car and drive south, eventually to Atlanta, where I get to be a rock star with the rest of the Blibbering Humdingers at Dragoncon once again.

I absolutely cannot wait, because while DC is huge and crazy and weird and tremendously exhausting fun, it’s generally a good kind of crazy and weird and tremendously exhausting fun, where I get to spend time with almost 100k of my fellow nerds, most specifically, with my musical community that brings me such joy.

Oh, I not only get to be a rock star this coming weekend, but as of this past weekend, I am a Pegasus Award Nominated rock star, as the Humdingers made this year’s final ballot for “Best Performer”. The Pegasus Awards, for “excellence in filking”, are handed out every October at the Ohio Valley Filk Fest, are kind of a big deal in the circles I travel in, and it’s really a nice honor to make the final ballot, especially in the “Best Performer” category; I think it speaks to the effort we put into putting on an entertaining and engaging stage show (which isn’t always a priority in this world), and I feel like I can take some small ownership of this one, given the fact that I have a lot more high-profile performing credits with the group than I do songwriting or recording credits (though those keep adding up too).

While winning would be lovely, the competition is fierce in our category, which also includes such luminaries as Sunnie Larsen and The Faithful Sidekicks this year. That said, as much a cliche as it is, being nominated already feels like a win.

But yeah, anybody can vote on this one (not just those with convention memberships, like the Hugos), so if you’re feeling so inclined…

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