lost weekend

27 Jan

With the passing of the plow though my neighborhood on Tuesday late afternoon, I guess I can say that life is more or less back to normal after #Snowpocalypse 2016.

All told, my workplace was closed two days, I was snowed in one day beyond that, and the kids are *still* out of school. I really couldn’t tell you how much accumulation we got, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-15 inches, though there were drifts on my lot in excess of three feet during the height of things.

I started out, oddly enough, missing a bunch of the break; overnight Thursday, I was struck with some sort of awful lower-GI plague, spent most of the night losing weight the quick (but not so easy) way, and other than an occasional bleary-eyed semi-wakened wandering, I totally missed Friday. I woke up Saturday morning, feeling drained and dehydrated, and began working my way back, slowly stepping into eating white unseasoned foods and some clear liquids. My understanding, based on the experiences of a couple of my far-flung con compatriots, somebody dropped a delayed-release viral bomb at Marscon, and more than one of us got hit with things by mid-week.

I was largely on the mend by Sunday, though I slowly eased my way back into life further, and cracking the whip on my teenagers to dig out the driveway. Monday likewise, my office was closed (my home Commonwealth is pretty awful at getting roads cleared; not that this sort of storm is in any way typical – at least the power stayed on), so I checked a couple of emails, but mostly stuck around the house, venturing out a little bit to see how the roads were, and ran a couple of errands and supported a last-minute Eagle Scout board of review (made another Eagle Scout…yay). Roads in my neighborhood were barely passable.

Tuesday morning I woke up and tried to get the car out of the driveway, though overnight, the passing of multiple bro-dozers and fishtailing sedans through my neighborhood made the barely-passable roads impassable; I got stuck halfway out of the driveway, and required the assistance of a passing local policeman to help push my car back into the driveway. I called in, taking advantage of liberal leave policies.

That’s the basics. Wednesday was back to work, dealing with that usual bullshit. Yay. Just have to get through a couple of days, tossing out passive-agressive emails to people who don’t know how to loop me in until the things the need me for have already started. It’s crap.

Still, I had a couple of days off, read a couple of books, maybe got myself hooked into a cabin-fever relieving jam session with some local folks on Saturday night, which could be fun. Plus, there’s a Humdingers gig with a bunch of other great acts coming up in a couple of weeks. At least the musical part of my life is rewarding.

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