Merry Pranksters – variations on the “laugh or you’ll cry” theme…

19 Dec

For today, unless I can come up with something else novel (and I just might; my standards of quality vary widely – I watch stuff on free hotel cable I’d never consider watching at home. For example, I hold the the Marriott corporation responsible for my viewing of several Hillary Duff films), I’m going to relate a story from the office this week.

The story, of a mysterious practical joker.

No ranting postcards from Poland (yet), but over the last couple of days, jokey holiday novelty items have been appearing on people’s desks for discernable reason. No one’s owned up to it yet, but the victims (all members of the chattery mature woman demographic) are becoming increasingly obesssed with who’s been leaving behind presents.

Of course, the presents themselves are designed to leave presents…Appearing so far are Poo-lar Bear, the Sub-Zero Pooping Hero and two instances of The Sooper Dooper Reindeer Pooper (2 does, 1 cup?).

Both are pictured below for exemplary purposes:

Iorek Byrnison weeps


Now, surely, I’ve nothing to do with this, though I did provide a little light on the mystery, as I actually saw these products in the retail wild this week; specifically, amongst the impulse buy register stock at a local chain bookstore. I had to convince Andrew that he wasn’t getting the wind-up penguin as we were paying for our items – he didn’t notice the action features; once I told him about them – on the ride home, well away from the store – the laughter came easily. If only five year olds were this easy all the time; Poop jokes are too easy.

Anyway, I expect, if the office prankster(s) keep going, we should expect this little fellow to join the confectionary scat menagerie before long:

pooping penguins - that's alliteration!..why do I even try....

That, unfortunately, is all I have today. I’m not quite feeling the funny. I finished all the shopping last night (yay), but I think that last hour in discount retail hell just about did me in on holiday cheer.

Does anybody else out there have some funny to share? Post it in the comments; I could use it.

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