monsters, dealing with and chasing

19 Jul

A mixed bag for the weekend, honestly, but the good was a nice surprise, and the bad at least made some progress.

Finally had the poor, overworked A/C technician come by to address the A/C unit (poor guy is ridiculously overbooked and has way too large an area to cover); diagnosing was easy enough (bad fan and motor on the condensing unit), though it’s going to take another week to get the part to effect the fifteen minute fix. It’s hot, and we’re dealing with it, though the timing sucks. It’s one more stressor that’s leaving me a little on edge, especially since I’m still low-level stressing about the upcoming car repair bill.

To avoid some of that, I spent a heck of a lot of time outside this weekend; it was warm, but it was rather beautiful, and it was the weekend for Pokemon Go Fest, so on Sunday I walked about ten miles through some local parks doing raids with all the other people also out chasing little virtual monsters. It was fun, engaging, and better than sitting inside dwelling on how hot the house is.

On Sunday afternoon, I got a note from my friend Madison, who happened to be passing through town on her way home from a trip to Baltimore, so I met her for dinner at a biergarten in the city and we had a wonderful time catching up (we hadn’t seen each other in person in more than a year), and she let me play her beautiful 100 year old tenor guitar, which was quite nice of her. After she resumed her trip, I went and picked up my lovely spouse (she kindly let me use her car after I dropped her off with her localish ride-share friend to continue with my above-mentioned adventures) on the other side of town, where she was doing some Scottish dancing and socializing with some new friends, who were kind enough to let me join their s’mores circle in the backyard for a bit before we headed home to put the weekend to bed.

And now, it’s simply back to the usual for the coming week, apart from the scheduled fixing of the HVAC and the car. At least it’s going to cool off a bit today thanks to some welcome rain showers.

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