music and healing

26 Sep

During the experience I recounted in my last post, I had the pleasure of learning a bit more about a group that’s doing some really great work in my community (and many others across the country) that I thought I’d share with my small but dedicated audience: Guitars for Vets.

The idea behind the group is simple and intuitive: provide musical instruments and lessons to veterans, and through doing so, create opportunities for positive social interaction, learning, therapeutic benefits (the group works closely with the VA to integrate music lessons in to treatment regimens), and self-expression. Since 2007, Guitars for Vets has helped over 1000 veterans along the road to physical and emotional recovery through “the healing power of music”.

Including my friend Sam, who told me about the group. I can see the positive influence participating in the group’s efforts has had for him, and I hope it’ll continue to do the same for others.

So, if you’re looking for a worthy cause to support with your time or resources, I humbly suggest you take a look at Guitars for Vets – they’re doing good work.

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