my fellow musician

09 Feb

Some of you might remember, I bought an acoustic bass a few months back on a whim (I saw it getting traded in, I went back to the store later and picked it up for $50 or so). As I don’t have a proper case for it, and it was ultra-cheap anyway, I tend to leave it sitting on a stand within easy reach* for when inspiration strikes.

For the last week or so, I’ve been occasionally hearing notes ringing out from across the house; sometimes when I’m the only person in the house. A couple of days ago, I figured out why. My wife caught some photographic evidence this morning:

Lady Sif, my little buddy who’s usually never all that far from me when I’m home (if I’m sitting at the kitchen table on my laptop for example, she’ll take up her standard perch on my shoulder), has started indulging her musical ambitions. It’s cute.

Anyway, I though you’d all like to know.


*- here’s a secret musician trick to making sure you get better at your instrument through practice. Leave it out on a stand within easy reach, not hidden away in a case. You will pick it up and noodle a bit when you walk by. Those five and ten minute stretches really add up.

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