not quite

08 May

Well, I didn’t quite finish off one hundred miles this weekend for the 2022 Cap2Cap.

As I mentioned, I’ve been struggling with a respiratory thing with cruddy lungs, sore throat, and fatigue. It’s not COVID (I checked), but it, and the weather, had been keeping me down most of the week.

I did, however, get up early on Saturday and haul my bike and my ass and my camelbak pack out to the trailhead in the cold-ish, misty weather, figuring I’d give it my best shot. About 25 miles in, I realized my body wasn’t going to do it, but since I signed up for the century, I was going to try to at least blow past the half-century, so I turned around at thirty miles.

So, I did sixty miles in a little under five hours (my pace was off because health, and because wet pavement), then changed into a dry shirt and drove to the park where my lunch was waiting. I ate and came home, took a shower, and downed a bunch of ibuprofen to make the aches go away.

So I didn’t get the century this year – might’ve bitten off more than I can chew given the circumstances.

That said, I’m an almost 48 year old man who can ride sixty miles on a bike on a rainy morning with a chest cold. There are tons of people who can’t do that.

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