nothing to see here

26 Oct

As predicted, the weekend was pretty low-impact. Friday night involved some livestreamed-over-the-internet theater (the kid kicked ass in a very intense role), Saturday was a brisk five mile hike, doing the shopping, and spendng a few hours engaged with the virtual version of the Ohio Valley Filk Fest, or as it was called this year, NoVFF. I sat in on a panel or two, and watched the nominee concert for the Pegasus Awards, for which we, the Blibbering Humdingers, were nominated for “Best Performer” again this year. We didn’t win, but it’s still cool to be nominated, and the concert went off without a hitch (and my bandmates looked great in their performance – one day we’ll get to play together again). And honestly, I spent most of the rest of the weekend reading, cooking, and watching a couple of movies on the television.

I mostly stayed off the news, which was a pretty nice thing to do, though I did, while out adventuring Saturday morning, listen to this interview with Joe Biden, a long-form, 45 minute discussion about all sorts of things. It felt good listening to a candidate spend ten minutes geeking out over the environmental science of carbon capture agriculture and reclaiming fertilizer from manure, showing purpose, understanding, and enthusiasm for deep-dive policy issues. It was honestly refreshing.

Also – you have a week until election day. Vote; early if possible. Make a plan to do so. It’s important.

If things go as planned, this week should continue the theme. The weather’s not been great, but I’m hoping for a couple of nice days this week to get out and bike; I can always use the exercise for physical and mental health, and it’ll ideally help me deal with some of the body-appearance issues I’ve been struggling with (I’m feeling particularly fat right now, which is not news, though the intensity is up there), at least superficially. Work should be low stress as well, ideally, but who knows; all I do know is that Monday morning will include mandated ethics training, and I guarantee, it’ll be just as exciting as it sounds.

Told ya.

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